Driving change:

Our commitment for a sustainable planet

Our commitment

At Asa Dental, sustainability is at the heart of our activities. We are actively committed to producing a positive impact on the environment and on the communities we serve. Through innovative practices and responsible choices, we try to minimize our ecological impact, preserve natural resources and promote social wellbeing. Our relentless dedication to sustainability spurs us to constantly improve our processes, products and services, thus ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for the next generations. Together, we are shaping a world where sustainability is not just a goal, but an intrinsic element of our identity and of our operations.


We are firmly committed to creating an ecological and sustainable work environment that reflects our values and our efforts in environmental protection. Through efficient energy practices, initiatives to reduce waste, and responsible supply processes, we aim to minimize our ecological impact as much as possible.

New photovoltaic plant at our Logistics Center

Introduction of ZeroWaste packaging with Smart Label

Minimizing glue and hot fixing

Minimizing multi-material packaging

Carbon Free

Application of new strategies to reuse packaging

Elimination of multi-material packaging

Introduction of biodegradable packaging

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